Contact Us


You can help our youth change directions forever


Our programs focus on inspiring students to ” SEE” their potential and live for the future, not just for the moment. Vision is the Key!


CFT North Speakers

Become A Support Sponsor

Your financial support is crucial to making a difference in our community and our youth’s lives. See our Sponsors page for more details.


Become a Volunteer

Think about joining the TEAM and offer to be a part of this community endeavor to reach out to our youth and inspire.


Champions for Tomorrow logo Help Us Help Them



If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, a volunteer, donating to a great cause, or if you would like to have Chanpions For Tomorrow speak at your school, please contact Brad

We are funded from businesses and a community of concerned parents and individuals who want to help inspire our youth to make positive life choices.


Champions For Tomorrow North
980 Hopper Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Consider Contributing To This GREAT Cause!

  • Send your contribution check to:
  • Hope Chapel Attn: CFT North
  • 980 Hopper Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403
  • Specify “CFT North” on the memo line.

Together We CAN Make a Difference!

Additionally, you can give securely online, by clicking the donate button. To insure that your donation is applied correctly, select “CFT North” from the Donation Type drop-down menu.

CFT North

*Please note that your yearly tax deductible donation receipt will be sent out in January, by Hope Chapel, specifying that your donation was purposed for Champions For Tomorrow.